Morning Coffee Thoughts On Societal Stages - Parental Reflections

Since becoming a father I analyze (and maybe sometimes over analyze) developmental stages & milestones of a developing child. You revisit & see in a new light, the old stories in a new light- like how a Heavenly Father might view His children. How He might have expectations, set boundaries, etc.

I also think about how resistance & limitation is slowly introduced as they grow. Nurturing a child's creativity so they build confidence and stay joyful in an activity is important- as is setting the boundaries for those activities. Finger painting is awesome. Finger painting the couch? Not so much. 

And as they enter into the "let me do it" phase, they start to be introduced to their own limitations & strengths. It's a fine line nurturing the inspiration of anything being possible, with the responsibility of what is off limits. 

I'm starting to see parallels on a macro level with humanity and history. Creativity without responsibility-certainly the kind responsibility that is necessary for sharing space with other free-willed individuals at varying levels of their own development- is a recipe for problems. 

It seems there is a human need to push forward, to 'progress' towards goals. But who's goals? And with the continual integration of A.I. into making our lives faster, are people ready to properly utilize these tools?

Centuries ago, when society was in a more infantile developmental state, self actualization and the time horizon to acquire it we're vastly limited. Hungry? What food was grown locally at a nearby market? What income did you generate in your local economy to purchase the food or maybe you grew your own? Have a relative fighting in a distant war? Write them a letter. Hear back in a couple months. Want to meet a wife and start a family? Better rise in the local social ranks.

Contrast that with today. Your apple watch notices a change in your pulse indicating you might be hungry. While scrolling through your phone, you see an ad for a food that is coincidentally (A.I. making an educated guess based on previous orders) exactly what you're hungry for. A couple clicks and you are having food delivered to you, cooked by one stranger, delivered by another. This meal, paid for in a crypto currency with a virtual job you completed when you were bored. Your relative overseas in a warzone just face-timed you. Warm according to them, is surprisingly boring. The notion of a far away land, is all but dissolved. You're interested in dating, so you optimize your chances of dating by having ChatGPT setup profiles based on maximum female preference, and chat on your behalf, using optimum ice-breakers and the latest pickup artist nomenclature. Little do you (or the bot working on your behalf) know that the females you're "engaging" with are using their own optimization bots as well. Your virtual wingman working theirs. 

Imagine if we swapped these two people. Which would experience an "improvement"? Was there a perfect balance somewhere in the middle? Or did we "raise" each subsequent generation to properly utilize the tools they have, guided by morality & responsibility?

Just some morning coffee thoughts.



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