Million Dollar Madden

I hope if someone takes some of my ideas and makes a ton of money from it, they at least credit or throw a tip. I don't wanna sit on a good idea like smaug and I don't have the time to even find who / where to post such a thing, but when inspiration strikes, I thought I'd put it out on the interwebs.

For whatever reason the algorithm gave me a series of football terminology clips on my FYP. One in particular was Drew Brees (former quarterback of the New Orleans Saints) explaining play call terminology on a talk show culminating in him calling the play, in all it's complexity, with verbal quickness. The portion of it that would appear to be impressive, is the tight window of time he has to do it.

Given that AI has advanced so much to not only have very effective speech recognition, but also create a world of NPCs that are ever less NPC-ish (in a traditional game sense), I have an idea for the next generation of madden games. This combined with the era we live in with gaming tournaments and social media egos, seems like the perfect recipe for what I'm proposing.

Instead of the old era of madden where you scroll through your next play call, displayed three at a time horizontally- make the selection of the play require the gamer to read the play to his NPC (or online co-op) teammates. Adding an additional level of skill in gaming that will make tournaments all the more impressive when they win.

The knee-jerk pushback on this might be that gamers are too lazy, or don't have the time for such a new version of gaming, to which I would point you to my earlier post on speed runners in "A Game Within A Game." If anything, there's always a market for a new way to be competitive in gaming, especially when the added difficulty leaves viewers impressed.



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