Why The Genie Couldn't Grant Love As A Wish
It recently dawned on me why the legends of genies who grant three wishes (or in some lore, unlimited wishes) had one specific limitation. Since I first learned of this limitation, I had just assumed it was a unique axiomatic addition to the stories, but not one that was neccesarily required. However I was recently reflecting on the nature of love, choice & free will and something occurred to me. Since the fundamental nature of unconditional love, is one that comes naturally and of the free will of the person giving it- to force someone (even through magic) is paradoxical. If the wish-grantee would be given said impossible wish of being loved by an individual, they would always know that it was only because of the wish, and not something that was given to them freely. Love by it's nature isn't transactional, earnable or obtainable through coercion. Therefor it is literally impossible for the genie to grant such a request. On a theological & philosophical level, there is...